
Refer to the Security section of the MongoDB Manual for an overview on how authentication works in MongoDB.

Basic Authentication (SCRAM)

In this authentication mechanism, user and passwords are passed in the URI string for the Mongoc.Client.

Enable Auth

To use basic authentication mechanism, first enable authentication in the database, as described in the MongoDB manual.

1. Start MongoDB without access control

$ mongod --dbpath ./db

2. Connect to the database and create an admin user.

From a Julia session, you can use Mongoc.add_user to add users to a MongoDB database.

import Mongoc
roles = Mongoc.BSON("""[ { "role" : "userAdminAnyDatabase", "db" : "admin" }, "readWriteAnyDatabase" ]""")
client = Mongoc.Client()
Mongoc.add_user(client["admin"], "myUserAdmin", "abc123", roles)
Mongoc.destroy!(client) # or exit julia session

3. Re-start the MongoDB instance with access control

Kill the previous process running mongod and then start server with auth option.

$ mongod --auth --dbpath ./db

Connect and authenticate

Pass the user and password in the URI, as described in

client = Mongoc.Client("mongodb://myUserAdmin:abc123@localhost/?authSource=admin")

From MongoDB 4.0, there's a new authentication mechanism SCRAM-SHA-256, which replaces the previous SCRAM-SHA-1 mechanism. The correct authentication mechanism is negotiated between the driver and the server.

Alternatively, SCRAM-SHA-256 can be explicitly specified:

client = Mongoc.Client("mongodb://myUserAdmin:abc123@localhost/?authMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-256&authSource=admin")

Refer to the MongoDB manual for adding new users and roles per database.