
GridFS is a MongoDB feature to store large files.

A BSON document can be use to store arbitrary data, but the size limit is 16MB. With GridFS, you can store files that exceed this limit.

Refer to GridFS docs website for more information.


Files in GridFS are organized inside Buckets.

First, create a Bucket associated with a database. Then, add files to that bucket.

db = client[DB_NAME]
bucket = Mongoc.Bucket(db)

Upload and Download a file

The following example shows how to upload and download a file to/from a Bucket represented by the variable bucket.

local_fp = "/path/to/a/local/file.txt"
@assert isfile(local_fp)
remote_filename = "remote_file.txt"

# will upload `local_fp` to `bucket`.
# On the remote bucket, the file will be named `remote_file.txt`.
Mongoc.upload(bucket, remote_filename, local_fp)

# downloads `remote_file.txt` to `download_filepath`.
download_filepath = "/path/to/a/local/download_file.txt", remote_filename, download_filepath)

Upload and Download using streams

Use Mongoc.open_upload_stream and Mongoc.open_download_stream to execute stream based upload and download operations.

remote_filename = "uploaded_file.txt"

io = Mongoc.open_upload_stream(bucket, remote_filename)
msg = "hey you out there"
write(io, msg)

Mongoc.open_download_stream(bucket, remote_filename) do io
    tmp_str = read(io, String)
    println( msg == tmp_str )

Find and Delete files in Bucket

Use Mongoc.find on a bucket to search for files, and Mongoc.delete to delete.

for doc in Mongoc.find(bucket)
    println("Deleting $(doc["filename"])")
    Mongoc.delete(bucket, doc)